Physical Design Q&A

Q181. What is +ve unateness, -ve unateness & non-unate? Do you see Unateness in library? do we see unateness in DFF? What kind of Unateness you will see for DFF?

+ve Unateness: A timing arc is said by +ve unate, if output signal direction is same as the input signal direction or output signal does not change : Examples - AND, OR

-ve Unateness: A timing arc is said to be -ve unate, if output signal direction is opposite to that of input signal direction or output signal does not change Examples : NOR, NAND, Inverter

Non-Unate: In a non-unate timing arc, the output transition cannot be determined solely from the direction of change of an input but also depends upon the state of the other inputs. Example: XOR

We will see unateness for each & every timing arc of every cell like below. For DFF has non-unateness for the timing arc CP ➜ Q as it not only depends on the CP transition, but also depends on the transition on D Pin. See below example

    pin(Q) {
    direction : output;
    max_capacitance : 0.404;
    function : "IQ";
    timing() {
    related_pin : "CP";
    timing_sense : non_unate;
    timing_type : rising_edge;

Q182. What is -ve lib values in library?

  • The library hold margin value can be negative. Thus, a negative hold check implies that the data pin of the flip-flop can change ahead of the clock pin and still meet the hold time check.
  • The library setup margin values of a flip-flop can also be negative. This means that at the pins of the flip-flop, the data can change after the clock pin and still meet the setup time check.
  • Can both setup and hold be negative? No; for the setup and hold checks to be consistent, the sum of setup and hold values should be positive. Thus, if the setup (or hold) check contains negative values - the corresponding hold (or setup) should be sufficiently positive so that the setup plus hold value is a positive quantity
  • For flip-flops, it is helpful to have a negative hold time on scan data input pins. This gives flexibility in terms of clock skew and can eliminate the need for almost all buffer insertion for fixing hold violations in scan mode

    pin (D) {
    direction : input;
    timing () {
    related_pin : "CK";
    timing_type : "hold_rising";
    rise_constraint ("setuphold_template_3x3") {
    index_1("0.4, 0.57, 0.84"); /* Data transition */
    index_2("0.4, 0.57, 0.84"); /* Clock transition */
    values( /* 0.4 0.57 0.84 */ \
    /* 0.4 */ "-0.220, -0.339, -0.584", \
    /* 0.57 */ "-0.247, -0.381, -0.729", \
    /* 0.84 */ "-0.398, -0.516, -0.864");}}

Q183. What is antenna violation & how do you fix it? what kind of antenna violations do you see in 28nm technology node? Why to fix accumulation area/gate area when foundry discharge all charge after each mask building?

  • we will see 2 kinds of antenna violations in 28nm technology node.
  • One is metal area/gate area
  • 2nd one is cumulative metal area/gate area
  • Because the Etching happens layer after layer, even if you have removed the charge after each lower layer there is still a chance that the small remains or develops again which when combined collectively can destroy the gate as at the lower technology nodes the gate length is very minimal and sensitive to slight charge build up.
  • In accumulative area mode, the tool considers the metal segments on the current layer and all lower-layer segments. In this mode, the antenna ratio is calculated as

    antenna_ratio = all connected metal areas / total gate area

Q184. how is nxtgrd file different from ICC TLUPlus file? why can't we use nxtgrd in ICC to match RC delays?

  • Both nxtgrd & TLUPLus files are generated from same ITF file with grdgenxo utility in STARRC (with same type of version)
  • Both files contain similar kind of RC interconnect related Info & cap tables. But files formats are different
  • ICC extract engine (rc_extract) might not take the format inside the nxtgrd file

Q185. How do u reduce short ckt current for standalone inverter if no vdd/freq involved?

Short circuit current is large if output load capacitance is low and input rise/fall time is large.

To reduce short circuit power dissipation input/output rise and fall times should be of same order t

PAvg(short-circuit) = 1/12[k t f (VDD- Vthn -|Vthp|)3]

In general, short circuit current is proportional to frequency f ( i.e.short circuit current in general comes when clock changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 . so if clock is toggling more due to clock frequency, then short circuit current will be more or vice versa) and voltage

Q186. What is die/scribe/sealer line/mask/die/corner cell?

Special corner cells are used to turn the power signals around the corners of shutdown block

Q187. Can we increase GRC cell size?

No user control in ICC for GRC size, it is dynamically calculated by tool and is not constant. By default, width of GRC is equal to the standard cell row height

Q188. What measures do you take for preventing SI issues in the design?


  • reduce congestion in the design or do SI aware placement
  • avoid higher cell density regions
  • use place_opt –congestion –area_recovery command
  • Don't use lower drive strength cells. It acts as a victim net
  • Keep high driver strength cells in don’t use list. It will act as aggressor nets
  • Help prevent crosstalk by controlling the maximum transition constraint defined on the design. The maximum transition constraint is technology and library dependent. You need to find the best tradeoff between a low maximum transition constraint and congestion. The maximum transition constraint can be relaxed during post route optimization.
  • Use the maximum net length constraint in the IC Compiler tool to minimize the crosstalk effect by preventing very long wires


  • Apply NDR rules for clock network. So that clock network would be less sensitive to crosstalk effects
  • Apply spacing b/w clock network from signal nets
  • Because clock nets are typically high-frequency nets, they are often strong aggressor nets. You can prevent crosstalk by shielding clock nets with ground wires.
  • Try to avoid placing clock gators sitting very close by adding some padding to those gators. Because, they act as aggressors to the adjacent signal nets


  • Do SI aware routing or crosstalk aware detail route
  • Route can perform the following signal integrity tasks
    1. Preventing crosstalk (during global routing and track assignment)
    2. Fixing crosstalk violations during post route optimization
  • Crosstalk prevention during track assignment:
  • Enable crosstalk prevention by running set_si_options -route_xtalk_prevention true and using the -xtalk_reduction option when you run route_opt

  • Q189. How will you identify what is the sign off requirement for static IR drop analysis? and dynamic drop analysis?

    It comes from the top level, normally it will be 10-20% based on the SOC.
      Static IR Drop: 2.5 to 3% of (VDD + VSS)
      Dynamic IR Drop : 3x times the static IR drop

    Q190. Do we have to consider timing margins in IR drop target?

    Yes. it considers timing information. Redhawk takes the timing window file (which contains slew and load info on each pin) as input for better results. U can get more info in Redhawk manual.
    • What is synthesis?
    • Goals of synthesis
    • Synthesis Flow
    • Synthesis (input & output)
    • HDL file gen. & lib setup
    • Reading files
    • Design envi. Constraints
    • Compile
    • Generate Reports
    • Write files
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    • Netlist(.v or .vhd)
    • Constraints
    • Liberty Timing File(.lib or .db)
    • Library Exchange Format(LEF)
    • Technology Related files
    • TLU+ File
    • Milkyway Library
    • Power Specification File
    • Optimization Directives
    • Design Exchange Formats
    • Clock Tree Constraints/ Specification
    • IO Information File
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    • import design
    • sanity checks
    • partitioning (flat and hierarchy)
    • objectives of floorplan
    • Inputs of floorplan
    • Floorplan flowchart
    • Floorplan Techniques
    • Terminologies and definitions
    • Steps in FloorPlan
    • Utilization
    • IO Placement
    • Macro Placement
    • Macro Placement Tips
    • Blockages (soft,hard,partial)
    • Halo/keepout margin
    • Issues arises due to bad floor-plan)
    • FloorPlan Qualifications
    • FloorPlan Output
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    • levels of power distribution
    • Power Management
    • Powerplanning involves
    • Inputs of powerplan
    • Properties of ideal powerplan
    • Power Information
    • PowerPlan calculations
    • Sub-Block configuration
    • fullchip configuration
    • UPF Content
    • Isolation Cell
    • Level Shifters
    • Retention Registers
    • Power Switches
    • Types of Power dissipation
    • IR Drop
    • Electromigration
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    • Pre-Placement
    • Pre-Placement Optimization
    • Placement
    • Placement Objectives
    • Goals of Placement
    • Inputs of Placement
    • Checks Before placement
    • Placement Methods(Timing & Congestion)
    • Placement Steps
    • Placement Optimization
    • Placement Qualifications
    • Placement Outputs
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    • Pre-CTS Optimization
    • CTS
    • Diff b/w HFNS & CTS
    • Diff b/w Clock & normal buffer
    • CTS inputs
    • CTS Goals
    • Clock latency
    • Clock problems
    • Main concerns for Clock design
    • Clock Skew
    • Clock Jitter
    • CTS Pre requisites
    • CTS Objects
    • CTS Flow
    • Clock Tree Reference
    • Clock Tree Exceptions
    • CTS Algorithm
    • Analyze the Clock tree
    • Post CTS Optimization
    • CTS Outputs
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    • Importance of Routing as Technology Shrinks
    • Routing Objectives
    • Routing
    • Routing Inputs
    • Routing Goals
    • Routing constraints
    • Routing Flow
    • Trial/Global Routing
    • Track Assignment
    • Detail/Nano Routing
    • Grid based Routing
    • Routing Preferences
    • Post Routing Optimization
    • Filler Cell Insertion
    • Metal Fill
    • Spare Cells Tie-up/ Tie-down
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    • Diff b/w DTA & STA
    • Static Timing Analysis
    • main steps in STA
    • STA(input & output)
    • Timing Report
    • Clocked storage elements
    • Delays
    • Pins related to clock
    • Timing Arc
    • Timing Unate
    • Clock definitions in STA
    • Timing Paths
    • Timing Path Groups
    • Clock Latency
    • Insertion Delay
    • Clock Uncertainty
    • Clock Skew
    • Clock Jitter
    • Glitch
    • Pulse width
    • Duty Cycle
    • Transition/Slew
    • Asynchronous Path
    • Critical Path
    • Shortest Path
    • Clock Gating Path
    • Launch path
    • Arrival Path
    • Required Time
    • Common Path Pessimism(CPP/CRPR)
    • Slack
    • Setup and Hold time
    • Setup & hold time violations
    • Recovery Time
    • Removal Time
    • Recovery & Removal time violations
    • Single Cycle path
    • Multi Cycle Path
    • Half Cycle Path
    • False Path
    • Clock Domain Crossing(CDC)
    • Clock Domain Synchronization Scheme
    • Bottleneck Analysis
    • Multi-VT Cells(HVT LVT SVT)
    • Time Borrowing/Stealing
    • Types of STA (PBA GBA)
    • Diff b/w PBA & GBA
    • Block based STA & Path based STA
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    • Congestion Analysis
    • Routing Congestion Analysis
    • Placement Cong. Analysis
    • Routing Congestion causes
    • Congestion Fixes
    • Global & local cong.
    • Congestion Profiles
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    • Power Analysis
    • Leakeage Power
    • Switching Power
    • Short Circuit
    • Leakage/static Power
    • Static power Dissipation
    • Types of Static Leakage
    • Static Power Reduction Techniques
    • Dynamic/Switching Power
    • Dynamic Power calculation depends on
    • Types of Dynamic Power
    • Dynamic Power Reduction Techniques
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    • IR Drop Analysis
    • Types of IR Drop & their methodologies
    • IR Drop Reasons
    • IR Drop Robustness Checks
    • IR Drop Impacts
    • IR Drop Remedies
    • Ldi/dt Effects
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    • Design Parasitics
    • Latch-Up
    • Electrostatic Discharge(ESD)
    • Electromigration
    • Antenna Effect
    • Crosstalk
    • Soft Errors
    • Sef Heating
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    • Cells in PD
    • Standard Cells
    • ICG Cells
    • Well Taps
    • End Caps
    • Filler Cells
    • Decap Cells
    • ESD Clamp
    • Spare Cells
    • Tie Cells
    • Delay Cells
    • Metrology Cells
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    • IO Pads
    • Types of IO Pads
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    • Delay Calculation
    • Delay Models
    • Interconnect Delay Models
    • Cell Delay Models
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    • Engineering Change Order
    • Post Synthesis ECO
    • Post Route ECO
    • Post Silicon ECO
    • Metal Layer ECO Example
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    • std cell library types
    • Classification wrt density and Vth
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    • The Discontinuity
    • Discontinuity: Classification
    • DFM/DFY
    • Yield Classification
    • Why DFM/DFY?
    • DFM/DFY Solution
    • Wire Spreading
    • metal Fill
    • CAA
    • CMP Aware-Design
    • Redundant Via
    • RET
    • Litho Process Check(LPC)
    • Layout Dependent Effects
    • Resolution Enhancement Techniques
    • Types of RET
    • Optical Proximity Correction(OPC)
    • Scattering Bars
    • Multiple Patterning
    • Phase-shift Masking
    • Off-Axis Illumination
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    • Corners
    • Need for corner analysis
    • PVT Variations
    • Corner Analysis
    • PVT/RC Corners
    • Temperature Inversion
    • Cross Corner Analysis
    • Modes of Analysis
    • MC/MM Analysis
    • OCV
    • Derating
    • OCV Timing Checks
    • OCV Enhancements
    • AOCV
    • SSTA
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