1. Chip utilization depends on ___.
2. In Soft blockages ____ cells are placed.
3. Why we have to remove scan chains before placement?
4. Delay between shortest path and longest path in the clock is called ____.
5. Cross talk can be avoided by ___.
6. Prerouting means routing of _____.
7. Which of the following metal layer has Maximum resistance?
8. What is the goal of CTS?
9. Usually Hold is fixed ___.
10. To achieve better timing ____ cells are placed in the critical path.
11. Leakage power is inversely proportional to ___.
12. Filler cells are added ___.
13. Search and Repair is used for ___.
14. Maximum current density of a metal is available in ___.
15. More IR drop is due to ___.
16. The minimum height and width a cell can occupy in the design is called as ___.
17. CRPR stands for ___.
18. In OCV timing check, for setup time, ___.
19. Total metal area and(or) perimeter of conducting layer / gate to gate area" is called ___.
20. The Solution for Antenna effect is ___.
21. To avoid cross talk, the shielded net is usually connected to ___.
22. If the data is faster than the clock in Reg to Reg path ___ violation may come.
23. Hold violations are preferred to fix ___.
24. Which of the following is not present in SDC ___?
25. Timing sanity check means (with respect to PD)___.
26. Which of the following is having highest priority at final stage (post routed) of the design ___?
27. Which of the following is best suited for CTS?
28. Max voltage drop will be there at(with out macros) ___.
29. Which of the following is preferred while placing macros ___?
30. Routing congestion can be avoided by ___.
31. Pitch of the wire is ___.
32. In Physical Design following step is not there ___.
33. In technology file if 7 metals are there then which metals you will use for power?
34. If metal6 and metal7 are used for the power in 7 metal layer process design then which metals you will use for clock ?
35. In a reg to reg timing path Tclocktoq delay is 0.5ns and TCombo delay is 5ns and Tsetup is 0.5ns then the clock period should be ___.
36. Difference between Clock buff/inverters and normal buff/inverters is __.
37. Which configuration is more preferred during floorplaning ?
38. What is the effect of high drive strength buffer when added in long net ?
39. Delay of a cell depends on which factors ?
40. After the final routing the violations in the design ___.
41. Utilisation of the chip after placement optimisation will be ___.
42. What is routing congestion in the design?
43. What are preroutes in your design?
44. Clock tree doesn't contain following cell ___.
45. Power Switch off (PSO) | Power Gating technique in low power is used to reduce
46. Why do we re-order scan chains during placement?
47. Increase in the physical distance of H-tree _________the skew rate.
48. In VLSI design, which process deals with the determination of resistance & capacitance of interconnections?
49. clock buffers are preferred than normal buffers in clock tree building because of
50. Select based on their priority
51. Timing Arc can be from an output to an input, as in bidirectional ports.
52. How many positive unate arcs does the two input NOR gate have ?
53. How many arcs does the two input OR gate have ?
54. Static timing analysis is used mainly in ?
55. What do the STA tools use to determine the wire-load model ?
56. Interconnects ARCS are ?
57. Clock latency includes __ : select all that apply.
58. You can remedy Setup time violation by ?
59. You can remedy Hold time violation by ?
60. When constraining designs in ideal mode, clock uncertainty is usually set to the value of ?
61. When constraining designs in Propagated mode, clock uncertainty is usually set to the value of ?
62. Which of the following used for N-Well Continuity ?
63. In a DataPath with Crosstalk, if aggressor and victim have same transition direction. It aids in ?
64. Which Statemnt is True ?
65. LVS consists of following steps ?
66. Solution for antenna affect is ?
66. ERC Stands for ?
67. Spare cell are comprised for ?
68. What are the components of uncertainty before CTS ?
69. What to do if pin density is more for specific hierarchy ?
70. What to do if pin density is more for specific hierarchy ?
71. What to do if cell density is more for specific hierarchy ?
72. Routing Congestion can be avoided by ?